Sauvez L'Avenue du Parc / Help Save Park Avenue

Français et Anglais unis: Nous ne tolérerons pas la tyrannie !

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mayor Gerald Tremblay calls Ave du Parc supporters Neo-Montrealers

Dear Mr. Richard Thériault,

I am scandalized by your comments implying that the name change issue is limited to what you describe as the concerns of neo-Montrealers. I AM a Montrealer!!!! What does it take to be considered a Montrealer rather than having the label "neo" attached? How many generations does it take? I guess you would never refer to me as Quebecois but either as a neo-Quebecois or perhaps Quebecer. The majority of Montrealers are against this name change, whatever their backgrounds!! Do you really find that the majority of the 20.000 + names on the petition sound “ethnic”? For your information, the majority of us are proud second, third etc generation Montrealers. In addition, your comment that this decision does not affect the culture of new arrivals is both misleading and racist. Avenue du Parc is part of our history!!

We do not need to be condescendingly lectured on Mr. Bourassa's great contributions to Quebec society. We are not ignorant people and have lived in Montreal for generations. Indeed most Montrealers would like Mr. Bourassa honored but not at the expense of our personal identity, those of our families’ and city’s heritage brushed aside as unimportant. Quebec City named a highway after him. I also "remind you" (another condescending phrase you included in your letter) that “no” consultation process was undertaken before the October "declaration".

Your lack of respect, your arrogant lecturing and racist neo-labeling underlines your continued disinterest in a true consultation process. Even your subject line “Avenue Robert-Bourassa” is both unofficial and provocative. It further demonstrates your administration’s insensitivity to an issue of concern to a great many Montrealers. Avenue du Parc is still alive.

Many of us have been fans of Mayor Tremblay. However, if this decision goes through, Montrealers of all backgrounds will vote against your party in the next municipal election.

Marion Bialek
3600 Avenue du Parc


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