Sauvez L'Avenue du Parc / Help Save Park Avenue

Français et Anglais unis: Nous ne tolérerons pas la tyrannie !

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Citizens respond

I received this letter from a Gerald Tremblay representative. In it he refers to "neo-Montrealers", and says that changing the street name will have no affect on their history. I don't know what he is trying to suggest when he says neo-Montrealers. I was not aware that we were making these distinctions in Montreal. It seems like he is suggesting that if we care about the history of Ave du Parc, we are neo-Montrealers.

This shows exactly how disconnected Mayor Gerald Tremblay really is. I was born in Montreal and have lived here for 24 years, does this still make me a neo-Montrealer? What about the Greeks and the Jews and the Irish who have roots created on Ave du Parc for well over 100 years, are they neo-Montrealers too?

Apparently many neo-Montrealers live on north-south arteries in Montreal. Are we to assume that classic Montrealers mostly live on East-West arteries? Everything about this makes very little sense, but sadly I am not very surprised that this was a letter from the Mayors office.

This letter is arrogant and insulting. Changing the name of Ave du Parc WILL have a negative effect on the history of Montreal and the matter is being carried out in a non-consultative and autocratic manner.


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