Sauvez L'Avenue du Parc / Help Save Park Avenue

Français et Anglais unis: Nous ne tolérerons pas la tyrannie !

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fantastic Turnout for Saturday Rallies/Protest

I must congratulate everyone who showed up for both rallies on Saturday at Mount Royal Park, and the subsequent protest outside of Gerald Tremblay's home. By all counts, the rally was a huge success, with almost 300 protesters. But this will not be enough.

Gerald Tremblay is acting unilaterally and against the public opinion by insisting on changing the name of our beloved Park Avenue (Ave du Parc) to Robert Bourassa Avenue. His blatant disregard to the public outcry and his ignorance for the cultural and traditional significance of Park Avenue must not be tolerated, and this preposterous name change must not occur.

Petitioning and protests alone will not sway this Mayor. He seems to feel like he is above the community. Our goal must be to unite and publicize our cause to as many people as possible. French and English.

In the following days we will continue working to appeal for support from both the French and English population. Our opposition to the name change has nothing to do with language issues, and the support of the French speaking population is absolutely vital if we are to counter Gerald Tremblay's decision. We are actively working on building a bilingual website. The proposed name change will effect everyone!


At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 protesters? If that's true, then how come Sunday's "Gazette" only talks about 150 people participating in the march?

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Mario Rizzi said...

Several head counts were made, and at its peak, there were well over 200 people at the protest. Some people chose not to stay for the march, but their voice was loud and clear at the protest. This tyranny will not be tolerated, and Park Avenue will retain its name FOREVER!

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Gerald Tremblay is finish with this one for the next election !

My vote will go to the Green Party next time around...

Gerald Tremblay (not the same guy).

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pouvez-vous imaginer les Anglais renommant Trafalgar Square "Winston Churchill Sq", les Français changeant Champs-Élysées en "Georges-Pompidou", la Place Rouge devenant "Place Yeltsin", Times Square changé en "NIxon Square", etc..? Aucun pays au monde, pas même les pays soumis à un régime autoritaire ou dictatorial, n'a défloré sa capitale en remplaçant un nom universellement connu et associé à sa ville pour le remplacer par le nom d'une personnalité politique. Nommez n'importe quelle personnalité politique et, à tort ou à raison, vous divisez la population entre ceux qui l'aiment et l'admirent et ceux qui sont d'opinion contraire. Alors que tous ces noms immortels (Champs-Élysées, Place Rouge, Trafalgar Square, rue du Parc) sont emblématiques d'une ville, de sa pérennité à travers les âges. Ils sont INTOUCHABLES. Hands off l'avenue du Parc ! Elle sera encore l'avenue du Parc quand plus personne ne saura qui était cet homme qu'on a voulu honorer en lui dédiant une rue. Et puis pourquoi cette manie déplorable de vouloir donner des noms d'hommes politiques à nos rues ? Ils passent et disparaissent, la rue reste, et changer son nom ne fera rien pour le disparu. Hands off l'avenue du Parc !!


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